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12 Reasons to Stay Alive


1. No experience is ever wasted.

2. Listen to Brian Cox speak of the possible infinity of space. Know that you are a small and unique biological phenomenon in the complexity of uncountable galaxies.

7×10^49 atoms won’t arrange themselves this way ever again. It’s a one-off privilege. – @GoodWithoutGods 


3. The books that have not captured you yet, the unputdownable books, those that break and repair your heart all at once.

4. The films and TV shows that are yet to keep you awake all night.

5. To fall in love.

And you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars
And why I’ve spent my whole life trying to put it into words – Taylor Swift, You Are in Love

6. The cities waiting exploration.  The oceans of the world you haven’t dipped your toes in to.

7. For joy.

8. As my ancestor’s arrows into the future, and to create arrows of my own.

9. Music. That sense of united humanity that live music gives you.

10. New Year’s Day walks. The crunch of crisp leaves under booted feet on a bright winter morning.

11. Stepping out into intense heat and knowing you’re on holiday.

12. Rock bottom is the place to build solid foundations.


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9 Lessons I Learnt in 19 Years

Monday morning brings the dawn of my 20th birthday and the start of my twenty-first year on Planet Earth.
Today, I’m sharing with you the 9 lessons I’ve learnt in my 19 years. Philosophical, educational, and I hope a bit witty, this is my advice to those who seek it.
1. Strive to be a good friend.
It is a sad truth that some friendships don’t last as long as your best intentions might hope. Some are strictly weekdays, 9-5. While others survive through the rockiest times in each of your lives.

From Pinterest

2. Life is short.
Appreciate your family, by choice or blood. They are are the ones who will support your choices and pick you up from metaphorical or literal gutters.
3. Those who mind, don’t matter. Those who matter, don’t mind.
4. Love your body.
In the words of Baz Luhrman, “Don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it. It is the greatest instrument you will ever own.”

Myself, at the age of about 3 years.

5. Disappointment doesn’t last.
When I reviewed my GCSE results I was disappointed in myself. I thought I could have achieved better if I had put my mind to it.  But almost 4 years later I’m studying for the degree I wanted to do at a university that last year achieved the prestigious Times High Education University of the Year, 2014. I’ve learnt that I did my best throughout my GCSEs. And now, my best is even better.
6. Attend as many concerts, gigs and shows as possible.
I love the theatre and concerts. The sense of unity you get from being part of an electric audience is unlike anything else. It enriches who you are and teaches you more about a culture than anything else.
McBusted in concert. 2014.

McBusted in concert. 2014.

7. Find comfort in music.
My iTunes varies from Abba to Led Zeppelin and contains the poetry of lyrics “to help me cope with anything”.
8. Read widely.
Invest in that bestseller, seek out the dusty unbroken spines of little known volumes or search for new bloggers and columnists. Always go back to your favourites, they become part of who you are.

A selection of some of my favourite books

9. Be kind to yourself.
Self-care is paramount in my option. Take the time you need to unwind, relax and treat yourself. Wallow in a bubble bath and not in self-pity. Run yourself fit so you can run (read: fly) towards your goals. 
Happy Monday, ladies and gentlemen. Have the best week!